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Amethyst Key Properties:

  • Ushers in calmness and clarity, and is great for meditation

  • Helps with motivation and goal setting

  • One of the most spiritual crystals, encouraging love of the divine, spiritual awareness, and a deeper connection to the universe

WORKS WELL WITH: Citrine, Rose Quartz and Opal.


Blue Lace Agate Key Properties:

  • A highly spiritual crystal that will help you to  creates a calm and sacred space

  • Highly protective, especially helpful for those who care for others as it helps you to persevere 

  • Brings Harmony between your mind and spirit

WORKS WELL WITH: Carnelian, Moss Agate and Amethyst.

Amethyst Heart w/ Blue Lace Agate

  • Get a Nubian Array Heart to heal and connect with loved ones, they can fill the largest of spaces with a deep loving energy.

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