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Chakra (Combined crystals) 

Crystals are often combined to amplify and strengthen certain properties, in the case of Chakra stone these are placed together in order to maximise balancing energy, providing a master reset for all of your chakras.


Chakra Crystals Key Properties:

  • A very powerful crystal that will bring balance to your main chakras

  • will uplift and motivate you 

  • Will help you identify the areas of your life that require work in order to achieve real happiness

Hanging Chakra Charm

  • Get a Nubian Array Crystal Home Accessory to bring cleansing, healing and protective energies into your home. We often open our homes up to others, and each person comes with their own vibrations and energies that may not be compatible with ours. Crystal Home Accessories are also good for creating a designated spiritual safe space, a meditation room or for any room that you spend a lot of time in.

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